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Community Independent Bible Church. Church is a place for you to discover who God is, what His plan for you and all believers is, how to share His message with the world who needs the Gospel. Our mission statement is: “Our desire is to grow in the Wonder of Our Worship, the Togetherness of Our Walk and the Wealth of Our Witness as Devoted Followers of Jesus. What does that mean?
The wonder of our worship means all we do is designed to help us see who God is more clearly and turn our focus towards Him. Here you find much prayer, reading of Scripture, God-rich music and regular challenges to pray and learn about him when we are together on Sunday as well as throughout the week. The togetherness of our walk means we are intentional about being a family. We were never made to be a group of individuals gathering togethering once a week but then living entirely separately. As Acts tells us: “They broke bread together in one another’s homes and had all things in common.” We are meant to be closely knit together, bearing each other’s burdens. We seek to create opportunities for relationship development through small groups, bible studies, men’s breakfast etc. with the hopes these funnel down into even closer connections. If you are tired of going it alone, this is the place for you. Finally, the wealth of our witness. This means we want to have a wealth of witnessing opportunities to share the way of salvation. We want to go out to those in need of the Salvation we have discovered that can only be found through faith in Jesus Christ, rather than waiting for them to come to us.
Do you have salvation in Christ alone? If not, we encourage you to consider the gospel: ALL have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23) meaning we cannot save ourselves through good works or any other means. The wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) we are on our own eternally separated from God. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (Romans 6:23b) How do we receive that gift? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 10:9-10.) Believing means admitting we are a sinner in need of Jesus death to pay for our sins, believing He rose from the dead conquering the penalty of eternal separation for any who trust in Him alone.