

CIBC has many ministries to join and be involved in for growth in knowing God, being a part of a family and being a witness to others. You can learn about our worship services, youth ministry, and women's outreach programs by clicking on the text below.

We also have a men's breakfast that meets the first Saturday of every month. A devotion and prayer time is held during these breakfasts. Please check Upcoming Events for date, time, and place.

We are constantly at work to find ways to serve our Lord in our surrounding communities. Here are some examples of some recent events:

  1. We have yearly Vacation Bible School for youth.
  2. We yearly provide a Harvest Dinner that is open to the community.
  3. During Christmas, we have adopted needy families, providing their gifts, and provided many needy families with food to prepare a meal. We also give out cookies to local businesses and neighbors of the church
  4. We have held workshops on witnessing that were open to churches in our area.
  5. We witnessed to many homes in our community. We seek to meet local needs as they arise through ministries like: wood bees, yard clean ups, and meeting other needs.
  6. We have a yearly mother/daughter dinner.

We strive to maintain a connection with our Community and provide assistance via volunteer work when there is a need. If you know of someone in need in the area, please feel free to contact us.





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